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Like litter through the hourglass... so are the Strays Of Our Lives.


"Oh, the drama!"

Today I want to let you in on some of the shelter secrets. The shelter shenanigans that go on day in and day out. Sometimes right in front of our volunteers' eyes; other times surely in the dark of night when no humans are around to see!

Our cast may constantly change, but we've had every cat personality & character here at RappCats!'s a soap opera!

I'm going to introduce you to some of our current actors in a minute. But first...

We have a party coming up!

And we'd LOVE to see you there!

No need for advance tickets, just stop by!

The date is easy to remember:


(the luckiest day of the year according to numerologists!).

We don't love asking for funds, but we're putting the "fun" in fundraising! This year we've teamed up with Quièvremont Vineyard & Winery for an evening of live music, yummy food, a free glass of wine (!) a 50/50 raffle, and a silent auction! We have gift baskets & certificates from some of our best local restaurants & businesses!

(And if you'd like to donate a gift certificate, a gift basket, some home baked goodies, or a service, just call us. We have time to add your item and advertise your business!)

Now...back to Strays Of Our Lives...

Any soap opera has certain characters: the "boss", the "older, wise woman", the "cad", the "jokester", the "couple in love", the "bickering siblings", and of course, the word that rhymes with itch....

We've had them all, often at one time! If you follow us on twitter (@rappcatsadopt) you've seen dramas unfold. Alliances forged, then broken. Friendships made, then neglected. Love blossoming, then fading. And oh, those love triangles!

Let's meet a few of our current cast!

The Boss

Well, not really! She just thinks she is! This is Isabelle. She would like to rule the world.

The Femme Fatale

Midnight is sleek, beautiful, and knows how to strut her stuff! She's mysterious and the other cats are in awe of her.

The Jokester

Pickle has a hard time being serious.

Life is an adventure.

Everything is a toy.

What's not to like?

The Cad

So innocent looking!

Cereal can be as sweet as, well, Cocoa Puffs.

But there's another side to this young man.

Watch out ladies!

The Lovers

Marigold and Tig

These two are inseparable. Except when they're not.

They've been in couples counseling.

Marigold had a crush on Jax (we took care of that by moving Jax to another room).

Tig forgave her.

There's talk of a wedding!

Stay tuned! We have so many others to introduce you to!

We hope you enjoyed meeting a few of our current cast of characters.

Don't change that dial!

And don't forget to mark your calendar

for Saturday, November 11th!

Come join us, raise a glass of wine, try your luck at our 50/50 raffle

and take home some great auction items!


As always, thanks for reading my blog and many thanks to all of your who support our work. We could not do it without you!

If you'd like to help Lulu or our other cats with medical expenses,

we're grateful for donations of any size!

Meow for now! Kitty kisses!

RappCats relies entirely on private donations

from animal lovers like you. If you'd like to contribute to Docket's or our other cats' shelter, medical, and care expenses, please consider a donation. We can't do what we do without your support.

Please send this blog to your friends & family, and post it on social media so others will understand our work, and can choose to support RappCats.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Donations in the form of checks and money orders are also accepted and can be sent to:

RappCats P.O. Box 307 Washington, VA 22747

We have a supply "Wish List" on Chewy's website.

Click on their logo below if you'd like to see what we currently need.



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