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Luna ("The Cat from Another Planet")

The Adventures of Weisie & The RappCats!

Hi Everyone!

Every cat is a universe unto themselves.

Distinct marking, individual personalities, even unique meows. They have their own reactions to being petted, brushed, or held. They have dietary likes and dislikes, peculiar litter box routines, and assorted reactions to toys and catnip.

And then there are those who go beyond the usual quirks.

There's a scientific name for these special felines. They're known as "WCs".

Weird Cats.

Welcome to the world of Luna.

They tend to be harder to find homes for. They're a little rough around the edges and that's not for everyone. They may have quirks that require a bit more patience, or habits that aren't exactly endearing.

They're different. They're goofy. They're infuriating. They make us laugh. They make us roll our eyes.

They're weird.

Hope you enjoy the story of Luna, our favorite weird cat who's in need of a home. We know the perfect adopter is out there!

...Dr. Deb

For more videos & photos of Luna (and all our weird and not so weird RappCats), visit us on Twitter or Facebook!

Greetings, Weisie!

Today you get to meet Luna, a RappCat you would have loved!

She's a member of your tribe, Weisie.

Come meet a special cat - a weird and wonderful one!



This blog is all about me?

Luna came to us via surrender. We recognize the heartbreak most families go through when they have to turn over their cat to us. And we appreciate that they made this difficult choice (usually after much deliberation, and with substantial guilt and regret).

Our hearts go out to surrendered cats. They've known what a home is, and they miss it. Strays on the other hand sometimes seem grateful for simply safety, even though they're initially confined to an intake cage. At least they're warm and safe.

But surrendered cats exchanged their beds, their usual food, and their usual routines to a completely strange, scary, confined environment. It's sad, even though it's sometimes completely necessary.

We give these cats as much loving attention as possible. They're usually friendly and they miss human connection. We talk to them, pet them, and if they're ready, we hold them. Most eventually do just fine, and they get adopted into new, wonderful households.

So surrendered cats are 'Second Act' cats. They experience their first home, then a shelter, then their second home. We're grateful for the honor of shepherding them along the way.

Luna is between homes.

What Makes Luna a Weird Cat?

(The Unvarnished Truth)

Luna's looks are unique.

We think she's gorgeous. Her green eyes are striking.

One of our teenage volunteers (he comes in with his mom, and they're a great team)

said Luna looks like a gargoyle!

What do you think?

Luna's personality is unique.

Luna is a curmudgeon.

She's a bully.

She doesn't like the others cats.

She hisses and growls at all newcomers.

She's just a plain old grouch.

Luna's needs are unique.

Luna is 8-years-old.

Sadly, older cats are harder to find homes for.

Luna probably needs to be an only cat.

She'll want to be her adopter's "number 1".

Luna's unlikely to get along with kids (except maybe goth teens).

Luna shouldn't be around puppies, kittens, or fine china.

Luna needs an adopter with a huge heart.

Luna needs to be appreciated for her unique self.

Luna deserves a good home.

We had a talk with Luna recently.

We told her the truth.

We said she needed to step it up.

To be friendlier if she wants to be adopted.

Her response?

Take a look...


Well, Weisie, what do you think?

I bet you think Luna is an undiscovered gem of a cat, right?

You always did have exquisite taste.

Keep your paws crossed.

We're waiting for Luna's purrfect adopter to show up!

Meow for now! Kitt

RappCats relies entirely on private donations

from animal lovers like you.

We can't do what we do without your support.

Please send this blog to your friends & family, and post it on social media so others will understand our work, and can choose to support RappCats.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Donations in the form of checks and money orders are also accepted and can be sent to:

RappCats P.O. Box 307 Washington, VA 22747

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These small amounts add up, and make a difference to our cats!



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